Previous associates of the ESYTC
David J. Smith
David was a Co-director of the Edinburgh Study. He is an Honorary Professor at the University of Edinburgh and a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics.
Jackie Palmer
Jackie was Fieldwork Manager for the Edinburgh Study. She joined the team in October 2001. Jackie is responsible for cohort tracking and for managing the data collected by the Study. She ensures data confidentiality and security.
Liz Levy
Liz was a Principal Research Officer in Justice Analytical Services within the Scottish Government. She is working with the research team on secondment during the new phase of fieldwork. She will be directly involved in writing policy reports for policy makers on a range of themes from the study data.
Aileen Barclay, Bob Bonnar and Richard Withington
Aileen, Bob and Richard did fieldwork for the Edinburgh Study as Research Assistants. Their main duties involved contacting members of the study and arranging to interview them.
Paul Bradshaw
Joined the research team in 2001 as a Research Associate and left in 2003 to become a Senior Research Fellow at the Scottish Centre for Social Research.
Lizzy Burgess
Worked as Research Manager for the Study on a five month secondment from the Scottish Parliament in early 2006.
John Flint
Joined the research team in 1999 as a Research Associate and left in 2001 to take up a Lectureship at Glasgow University. Now Professor of Housing and Urban Governance in the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University.
Lucy Holmes
Joined the Edinburgh Study as a Research Associatein 2004 and left in 2006 to pursue a Masters Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Guildford in Surrey. Lucy is Research and Policy Officer for charity ‘Missing People’.
Jon Shute
One of the original research team, started in 1998 as a Research Associate and left in 2001 to take up a research post at the University of Glasgow. Now a Lecturer in the School of Law at Manchester University.
Rona Woodward
Joined the research team as a Research Associate in 1999 after a career in social work. Left the study in 2002 to become a Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Stirling.
PhD students
Alison Brown
Ali completed her PhD entitled ‘The influences of neighbourhood and community on crime and criminality in Edinburgh’ in 2003. The research consisted of a detailed literature review as well as a substantial empirical component. A case study of three Edinburgh neighbourhoods, alike in socio-economic demographics, but dissimilar in crime levels, was completed and analysed using Framework. In addition, a questionnaire was administered to over 16 000 households across the 91 Edinburgh neighbourhoods.
Mark Penman
Mark successfully defended his PhD in May 2007. His work focused on the influence of the Children’s Hearing in dealing with young people who offend. Using carefully matched cases, he explored the impact of hearings contact on subsequent offending behaviour compared with those who had no hearing contact. He also considered the effectiveness of the system in avoiding the stigmatising effect of labelling.
Elizabeth Aston
Liz’s PhD aimed to develop a theoretical account of mechanisms that link drug use and offending over the developmental period of adolescence. Drug use (licit and illicit substances) and offending behaviour over the developmental cycle will be examined and young people will be divided into various subgroups. Other factors which may operate will also be explored. The aim is to offer substantive explanations for the relationship between drug use and offending in adolescence.
Jon Shute
Jon investigated the psychology of criminal deterrence as it applies to young people in Scotland. The work is novel in that it involves a previously neglected age group who, due to the shape of the age-crime curve and the imminence of a major life course transition, might be expected to be learning much about sanction risks at the same time as they experience rapid and unprecedented changes in their psychological, social and material environments. The study attempts to answer three related questions: controlling for the standard predictors, is young peoples’ offending behaviour related to the perceived consequences of their actions?; if so, what qualities of those consequences compose the ‘active ingredients’ of deterrence?; how do perceptions and actions inform each other in the context of adolescent development?