
Data Collection

The Edinburgh Study has a complex design involving many methods of data collection. A variety of different data sources have been used to study young peoples’ lives.

Technical Reports

These reports outline the technical aspects of the Edinburgh Study. The reports provide information on the planning, design and implementation of the Edinburgh study.

McVie, S., Palmer, J. and McAra, L. (2007) Sample safeguarding exercise

The purpose of this report was to inform the methodological development of future phases of the study. We are immensely grateful to the Scottish Executive for funding this sample safeguarding exercise to determine how successfully and by what methods the cohort might best be contacted in the future. The final report is available on request.

McVie, S. (2003) Technical report: Sweeps 3 and 4

This report focuses on level of participation including non-response and refusal rates, questionnaire design, school fieldwork arrangements, collection of contact information, sources of additional data collected, survey of parents, data management, methods and subject of analysis, geographic information system and the neighbourhood case studies.

McVie, S. (2001) Technical report: Sweeps 1 and 2

This report focuses on access and consent, questionnaire design and piloting, practical aspects of data sources, data management and the development of a geographic information system.

Research in a Nutshell

Watch Prof Lesley McAra’s Research in a Nutshell video on the ESYTC

Watch Prof Susan McVie’s Research in a Nutshell video on the ESYTC