Edinburgh Study Survey Reminder

The Edinburgh Study survey is live! If you have not yet completed your survey, please take the time to help us with this valuable research.

If you have not heard from us but think you may have taken part in the study while at High School, please do get in touch. We may also have sent you a message on Facebook so be sure to check your message requests. » Read more

21 years of research highlights as the Edinburgh Study comes of age

Old College Quad

In 2019, the Edinburgh Study celebrates its 21st year! Over the course of the last twenty-one years the study has contributed substantially to public policy and practice in Scotland and has become recognised internationally as a landmark study of youth crime and justice.

To celebrate its success, the study co-directors produced a short briefing paper outlining the research highlights – including findings and impacts – from the Edinburgh Study.

Edinburgh Study enters new phase of fieldwork in 2019/20

View from Calton Hill in Edinburgh

Thanks to a grant from the Nuffield Foundation, the Edinburgh Study is entering a new phase of data collection. The aim of this latest phase of the study is to understand how events and circumstances in childhood and adolescence have impacted on the lives of study members now that they are adults in their early 30s. In particular, it will look at different criminal justice pathways, from the teenage years into early adulthood, and how these have impacted on the longer-term life-chances of individuals.

The research, which will begin in late 2019, will involve updating information on criminal convictions (where applicable); a short online survey of all cohort members; and face-to-face interviews with around 200 study members. Achieving a good response rate from study members is imperative as it will add to the rich information that the study already holds. This phase of the study will have important implications for youth and adult criminal justice policy and practice in terms of: ‘what works’ to help people desist from offending; what are the longer term outcomes of different forms of policy interventions; and how to support people as they age through the criminal justice system.

For further information on the new phase of the Edinburgh Study please visit our Study Members page.