ESYTC Vacancy: Research Assistant

Old College Quad

The Edinburgh Law School is seeking to appoint a dynamic, committed and enthusiastic Research Associate to work with Professors Lesley McAra and Susan McVie on Phase 8 of the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime.

Funded by the Nuffield Foundation, this longitudinal programme of research is tracking pathways into and out of offending for a cohort of 4,300 young people, who will be aged around 33 at the time of fieldwork. Phase 8 of the Study will focus on the causes of criminal justice pathways (from the teenage years into early adulthood) and their impacts on the longer-term life-chances of individuals. Working as part of a small team, the post will involve updating criminal conviction data for the cohort as a whole, and organising and undertaking interviews with around 70 cohort members.

Learn more about the position on the University of Edinburgh vacancies website